Plan miasta Hansez

Hansez - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Les derni?res transactions de DTZ France

HANSEZ& Co France vient de prendre en location 120 m? de bureaux et 2 emplacements de parkings au 8 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville / 106-116 avenue Charles de Gaulle ? Neuilly sur Seine. Loyer annuel : 420 ? HT/HC/m?. ...
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bamf & bamrs diary: bam : Pictures : Mirage 5 BR BR21 by Willy ...

Mirage 5 BR BR21 by Willy Henderickx. Oct 24, 2010 by bamf.bamrs. The Mirage 5BR BR21 is displayed at the Hotel Dassault in Paris. The ex Belgian Air Force aircraft is for sale. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Mary's Monday Metazoan: Mighty Moose : Pharyngula

Y'know that bit in Return of the Jedi where Han sez: 'I dunno... fly casual.'? It was like that. Trying to drive as nonthreateningly as possible. You really do not want to annoy anything that big. Especially when you're pretty ..... I've seen several on vacations in Nova Scotia, and I've always described them as being "the size of a horse." I'm thinking of Clydesdale, or maybe Shire, not Thoroughbred, here... Here's a good road sign for moose crossing--second picture #9. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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